FireStarters is a faith ministry and we rely totally on God's provision through donations given by people who support us.

If you would like to help us reach and disciple a generation for Jesus please click on the links below to donate.


FireStarters benefits greatly from regular giving and gift aid added to any gift (if you are a UK tax payer).



Hundreds of families have been blessed by FireStarters over the last 21 years and that legacy is blessing many nations of the world.  It has been an amazing journey involving faith and courage and we have adapted in many different ways along the way. 


If you would like to support FireStarters financially you can do so through the options below.

Alternatively we offer supporters the opportunity to become a recipient of our  bi-monthly prayer e-news which can be requested through our contact page. 




FireStarters benefits greatly from regular giving and gift aid added to any gift (if you are a UK tax payer). If you would llike to make a donation today you can do so by clicking on our 'donate now' option. Any donation received will help greatly towards the success of FireStarters. 

Gift Aid Form
gift aid.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [5.6 MB]

Annual Accounts:


As a registered Scottish Charity, we are fully accountable to the public and as a result we publish our accounts online. Please click below to download our most recent annual statement of accounts which incorporates the trustees report for the year.



FireStarters (SCIO) - 2018-2019 Accounts
FireStarters (SCIO) 2018-2019 FINAL.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [535.3 KB]

Expense claim: If you have out of pocket or mileage expenses to claim from FireStarters, please complete this form and then email your receipts to

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FireStarters (SCIO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation number SC033725